Attendees will, over the course of 2.5 days, build their own 3d printer, learn to calibrate it, learn to troubleshoot common issues, and design a part in CAD and print it.
Attendees are limited to 10 per class and are allowed to bring 1 parent or friend to learn and assist them. Attendees under 17 will be required to have a parent present.
The course will occur at 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm Friday, 9am-5pm Saturday, and 9am-5pm Sunday.
The printer build volume is 180mm in diameter by 250mm tall and is theirs to keep at the end of the class.
Attendees will learn:
- The mechanics of their printer and how it works
- Will learn to troubleshoot and make minor repairs to their printer
- How to interact with the firmware, in small ways
- How to use a slicer software to generate the code needed to print parts
- Have a very basic introduction to Fusion 360 to make parts with their printer